Saturday, November 6, 2010

Praise God for Those Old Time Preachers!

This evening as I was attempting to sew, I decided to listen to some good preaching. I LOVE to listen to old preachers and so I googled a name that I came to mind, Lester Roloff. Much to my surprise there is a website dedicated to his radio ministry called the Family Alter. I heard some great preaching! The first message was titled "The Juicy Book of Hebrews", I love how God still speaks so clearly to me through these great old time preachers! I also found another great website called I listened to a sermon from Tom Malone called "Soul Winning I" it is a four part series from 1976 when he went to BJU and preached to the students there. I can't wait to listen to the other 3 sermons!  So here are the links to the aboved mentioned websites: Fundamental Baptist Sermons & Roloff Evangelistic Enterprises. Hope you enjoy them as much as I am!